Marsh Tacky Horse Races / by Sandy Dimke

Yesterday I was at the Lowcountry Fair with Historical Flair and had the opportunity to photograph the only Marsh Tacky Horse race this year. Unfortunately the sun was behind the horses and it was difficult to see the race, let alone photograph it. Challenge One: Need to walk the length of the course to get on the other side of the track, with 2 other Carolina Marsh Tacky Photographers. As with shooting any action sport, a fast shutter speed to freeze the action is the most important part of the job. I set my camera on Aperture priority and used the widest aperature possible with the telephoto lens (5.6). With that set, I knew the background would be somewhat out of focus and, using a high IS0 (1000) I would get a shutter speed that would give me the necessary freeze frame image I needed. My metadata recorded the shutter speed at 1/1250 - Perfect and I got the shot I wanted.

Mranda Rawson riding Cowgirl-11.jpg